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Finding Qualitative or Quantitative Research

Learn how to search for and identify different types of research.

Finding Qualitative or Quantitative Research


Qualitative and quantitative are terms to describe the type of information used in research.


Qualitative: "relating to the quality of an experience or situation rather than to facts that can be measured" [1]
Quantitative: "related to an amount that can be measured" [2]


Some research can be categorized as one or the other, but others used a mix of both approaches.

[1] Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary. (n.d.). Qualitative. Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from
[2] Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary. (n.d.). Quantitative. Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved February 2, 2023, from

Quantitative Research

It is sometimes referred to as positivistic research.

Quantitative research analyzes measurable information like statistics. It provides results that are repeatable and comparable but can lack context. Quantitative research is often an experiment using the scientific method. It is very common in the sciences.

Data collection can vary widely from rating scale surveys to heart rate monitors. 


Common Styles of Quantitative Research

  • Meta-analysis
  • Cohort study
  • Cross-sectional study
  • Pretest–posttest design

Searching for Quantitative Research

Add a style of quantitative research to your search. If it is a phrase, be sure to put it in quotation marks.

Advanced search screenshot. Text reads as follows. Any field contains "mental health" AND any field contains "cohort study."

Add a line with NOT and the subject qualitative research to remove those search results

Advanced search screenshot. Text reads as follows. Any field contains "mental health" NOT subject contains qualitative research.

It's Not Perfect

Note that there isn't a perfect way to filter for these types of research. Always confirm the type of research you have found by looking at the methodology -- or how the research was done. 

Qualitative Research

It is sometimes referred to as naturalistic research.

Qualitative research analyzes non-numerical information. It usually provides a more holistic understanding of a topic but may be more subjective or less conclusive. It is very common in the humanities. 

Common Data Collection Methods for Qualitative Research

  • interviews
  • observation (descriptive)
  • focus groups
  • questionnaires 
  • analyzing art or texts


Common Styles of Qualitative Research

  • Ethnography
  • Biography
  • Phenomenology
  • Case study
  • Grounded theory
  • Narrative

Searching for Qualitative Research

Add a style of qualitative research or data collection common to qualitative research to your search

Advanced search screenshot. Text reads as follows. Any field contains "mental health" AND any field contains ethnography.


Add the subject Qualitative Research

Advanced search showing the following. Any field contains "mental health" AND subject contains qualitative research.

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