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The Academic Support Center offers professional tutors who can help with understanding sources, paraphrasing, writing, and citing. 


Citation Toolkit


Make an Appointment

Book your appointment on Academic Support Net.

Evidence and Support

What’s the difference between quoting evidence or paraphrasing evidence? 

Information that proves a point as plausible is evidence. Different types of evidence have varying degrees of appropriateness in academic writing. There are two ways to include evidence: quoting or paraphrasing. Each is used for distinct purposes and provides different elements in writing, including different jumping off points for analysis.   

How do I talk about my evidence and create a “seamless” integration? 

Once evidence is included, it needs to connect and support the writer’s ideas, which are always at the center of writing. A good technique for fully explaining evidence is asking/answering questions that reflect why the evidence was selected and how it relates to other evidence, ideas, and conclusions. Remember to ask yourself, how does this information prove my topic sentence? What does my audience need to recognize about it? Why is it important evidence to consider?

Questions for a writing appointment at the Academic Support Center: 

  • What can I do to improve the balance of quoting, paraphrasing, and my own analysis? Is it always clear when I am referring to outside sources? 

  • Where am I connecting my evidence and conclusions well, and where could I improve? 

  • Are there any pieces of evidence that need further examination, in terms of credibility? 


Appointments can be scheduled using Academic SupportNet found on Okta.  In addition, writing specialists are available throughout the week to help you understand, brainstorm, revise, or polish any writing assignment, big or small.

How to Make a Writing Appointment at the Academic Support Center

In-person or Zoom appointments can be scheduled using Academic SupportNet, found on Okta. Writing specialists are available throughout the week to help you understand, brainstorm, revise, or polish any writing assignment, big or small.