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How to Access Phillips Library Databases & Resources

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If you search through Taylor and Francis, you might find articles that you cannot access. If you see the image below, this means the article you found is either in a journal we do not subscribe to, or have limited access. 

Clicking on this image will take you back to our library catalog and search for the article in other databases. If the link is unable to identify a database, the inter-library loan request form Tipasa will appear after signing in to Spartan Search.



After clicking on the Tipasa request link, the form will auto-populate your article information. Once submitted, please allow 1-2 business days for the library to process the request. More time may be necessary depending on how quickly the lending library can supply your article. Please check your email for updates and article delivery. You will have access to your article for 30 days.


Try it yourself!

1) Copy and paste the keywords "nursing care" and "mental health" into the Taylor and Francis search bar and review your search results. 

2) Find an article that you would like to view. If it has our Blue Spartan Search logo on the article, you have the option to request it through Tipasa if you are unable to access it. Click on the Spartan Search logo.

3) This article can be found in our other databases

If you search through EBSCO, you might find articles that you cannot access. If you see the image below, this means the article you found is either in a journal we do not subscribe to, or have limited access. 

Clicking on this image will take you back to our library catalog and search for the article in other databases. If the link is unable to identify a database, the inter-library loan request form Tipasa will appear after signing in to Spartan Search.

After clicking on the Tipasa request link, the form will auto-populate your article information. Once submitted, please allow 1-2 business days for the library to process the request. More time may be necessary depending on how quickly the lending library can supply your article. Please check your email for updates and article delivery. You will have access to your article for 30 days.

Try it yourself!


1) View the article "Revisiting the Languages of Love: An Empirical Test of the Validity Assumptions Underlying Chapman's (2015) Five Love Languages Typology." from the Ebsco database. 

2) Click on the Check Availability link.


3) It seems we do not have access to this article in any of our databases. Click on the Tipasa request link to request a copy of this article.



If you search through Proquest, you might find articles that you cannot access. If you see the image below, this means the article you found is either in a journal we do not subscribe to, or have limited access. 

Clicking on this image will take you back to our library catalog and search for the article in other databases. If the link is unable to identify a database, the inter-library loan request form Tipasa will appear after signing in to Spartan Search.


After clicking on the Tipasa request link, the form will auto-populate your article information. Once submitted, please allow 1-2 business days for the library to process the request. More time may be necessary depending on how quickly the lending library can supply your article. Please check your email for updates and article delivery. You will have access to your article for 30 days.

Try it yourself!


1) View the article "Exploring the relationship between prior knowledge and metacognitive monitoring accuracy" from the Proquest database.

2) Click on the Check Availability link.


3) It seems we do not have this article in any of our databases. Click on the Tipasa request link to request a copy of this article.

If you search through Taylor and Francis, you might find articles in journals that we do not subscribe to. If the article is unable to view, you will find the below image.

Clicking the article will take you back to our library catalog. The link will look for other databases that might have the article that you're looking for. If the link is unable to identify a database, the inter-library loan request form (Tipasa) will appear.

After clicking on the Tipasa request link, the form will auto-populate your article information. Once submitted, please allow 1-2 business days for the library to process the request. More time may be necessary depending on how quickly the lending library can supply your article. Please check your email for updates and article delivery. You will have access to your article for 30 days.

Try it yourself!


1) View the article "Poverty Matters" from the JSTOR database.

2) Click on the Check Availability link.

3) It seems we do not have this article in any of our databases. Click on the Tipasa request link to request a copy of this article.

If you search through SAGE, you might find articles in journals that we do not subscribe to. If the article is unable to view, you will find the below image.

Clicking the article will take you back to our library catalog. The link will look for other databases that might have the article that you're looking for. If the link is unable to identify a database, the inter-library loan request form (Tipasa) will appear.

After clicking on the Tipasa request link, the form will auto-populate your article information. Once submitted, please allow 1-2 business days for the library to process the request. More time may be necessary depending on how quickly the lending library can supply your article. Please check your email for updates and article delivery. You will have access to your article for 30 days.


Try it yourself!


1) Copy and paste the keywords ("group therapy" AND "mental health") into the SAGE search bar and review your search results. 

2) Find an article that you would like to view. If it has our Blue Spartan Search logo on the article, you have the option to request it through Tipasa if you are unable to access it. Click on the Spartan Search logo.

3) It seems we do not have access to this article in any of our databases. Click on the Tipasa request link to request a copy of this article.