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Be Money Smart - Learn Financial Literacy

This guide will provide information to make healthy, personal financial decisions and understand the key pillars of financial planning; saving, spending, borrowing, and planning.

Why does financial literacy matter?

Earning money is hard. Spending money is easy. Learning how to balance the different demands on your limited financial resources is critical to maintaining a happy and healthy life. This guide is a starting point for learning the lifelong skills of financial literacy. The main pillars of financial management are: saving, spending, borrowing, and planning. 

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Listen to a Podcast

You Need A Budget

A weekly dose of just the right medicine to help you get out of debt, save more money, and beat the paycheck to paycheck cycle. 

Afford Anything

Learn money management tips and tricks, to create daily saving habits, ensuring you can live the life you've always dreamed. 

Journey to Launch

Launch into financial freedom & independence with episodes covering a whole spectrum of topics.

Queer Money Podcast

Being LGBTQ+ is not a lifetime sentence on the struggle bus with money. Be positive, happy, and confident with your money starting now.