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ENG 1000 Introduction to Academic Writing

General research guide for ENG 1000

There are different types of resources to help you!


Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Scholarly articles go through the peer-review process and are typically published in journals.  Use library databases to find articles.


  • Use the Table of Contents at the front of the book to browse chapter content and the Index at the end to look up specific terms
  • For eBooks, use the "Search Within" feature to search the full text of the book


  • Limit your results by using the limiter site:.  Example below: This search will only return results for websites that end in .gov.

Screenshot of a Google search bar with the words " United States Healthcare."

Spartan Search

Did you know there's a way to search across all of the library's databases?

Spartan Search is the search box on the library's home page. When you click the magnifying glass search icon, a full search screen will open, giving you the option to use the advanced search and filter your results.

Learn more about choosing where to search

You can even get started with your search right here.

English Databases

Current Events Databases

Primary Sources

Newspaper Databases

Internet Resources

You can visit other archive, museum, and library websites to search for multimedia and primary resources.  Always be sure to provide citations and be aware of copyright laws before you reuse or distribute a resource.