Subjects: criminal justice, gender studies, latino studies, political science, psychology, social work, sociology
Content: journals, magazines, books, conference proceedings
Publication dates: 1908 – present
PsycINFO is an index only database produced by the American Psychological Association and provides comprehensive abstracts of international psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. Documents indexed include journals, articles, books, dissertations, and more, with advanced search options featuring the ability to filter by methodology, population and age group.
Academic Search Complete is a scholarly, multi-disciplinary database providing information on a wide range of subjects. It contains full-text access to peer-reviewed journals, magazines, monographs, reports, and conference proceedings as well as indexing and abstracts for thousands of publications.
Subjects: multidisciplinary
Content: journals, magazines, newspapers, book reviews, government documents, education reports
Publication dates: 1887 - present