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BIO 2200 Humans and the Environment

Biology Databases

Types of Articles

Is your article primary research?

Your article is likely original research if it includes

  • Abstract or Methods section states the specific population being studied
  • Methods section describes how the researchers collected data
  • Authors presenting on a study that they conducted themselves
  • Title or Abstract states a type of primary research study
    • Examples: Randomized Controlled Trial, Clinical Study, Clinical Trial, Cross-Sectional Study

Is your article a review?

Your article is likely a review if it includes

  • Abstract or Methods sections states the type and scope of studies being reviewed
  • Methods section explains how researchers searched for the studies
  • Methods section lists the databases and keywords used to search for studies
  • Authors are giving an overview and analysis of studies conducted by other researchers, not their own
  • Title or Abstract states a type of review
    • Examples: Meta-Analysis, Systematic Review

Google Search

Google Search

Use the limiter site: to filter for websites that end in a specific domain.


  •  returns sites that end with .gov
  •  returns sites that end with .edu
  •  returns sites that end with .org

screenshot of Google search bar for Aurora, Illinois




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630-844-5437 (phone)

630-844-3848 (fax)

630-796-7615 (text)

Interlibrary Loan


Phillips Library

347 S. Gladstone Ave.

Aurora, Illinois


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