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NUR 3450 Mental Health Nursing

CINAHL Nurse Author Filter

One of the library's databases allows filtering by articles authored by a nurse! This is not a perfect tool, but it is really helpful. 

  • Narrowing by a nurse author will significantly reduce your results. You can counteract that by using OR in your search bar to include other terms you are okay with finding.
     Alcoholics Anonymous OR AA OR 12 step program OR twelve step program
  • Follow best practices for searching, like simplifying down to what's most important for your search words and using quotation marks around terms like "Alcoholics Anonymous" to find an exact phrase.
  • CINAHL, like all databases, is just one collection of material, not everything that the library has access to. 
  1. Open CINAHL.
  2. Click Advanced Search. Find it linked under the search bar.
  3. Put together a strong search. (See other tabs for more on this.)
  4. Scroll down and check "any author is a nurse."
  5. Click Search.
  6. You may need to adjust your search terms and try again.

Searching in Nursing Journals

Another way you can find articles written by nurses is by searching in nursing journals.

  • Consider general nursing journals and those focused on your topic. You can search for titles online or in the library journals described below.
  • Follow best practices for searching, like simplifying down to what's most important for your search words and using quotation marks around terms like "Alcoholics Anonymous" to find an exact phrase.
  1. Open Spartan Search's journal search tool.
  2. Search for nursing-focused journals, or browse on the left side topics to find nursing and view a full list.
  3. When you find a journal that seems promising, using the Search Within tool to look for your topic.

See the video below for more detailed guidance.