These topics are gathered from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD is an international organization that works to build better policies for better lives. Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, OECD works on establishing evidence-based international standards and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting international tax evasion, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and international standard-setting.
Library Databases
Subjects: athletic training, exercise science, health promotion, health science, nursing
Content: journals, magazines, books
Publication dates: 1962 - present
CINHAL Complete is a comprehensive nursing and allied health database, covering nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. It provides full text articles, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and continuing education modules.
Subjects: athletic training, exercise science, health science, nursing, physiology
Content: journals, books, dissertations
Publication dates: 1937 - present