Results from a Google Scholar search yield a variety of scholarly sources consisting of journal articles, books, technical reports, legal cases, grey literature, patents, and pre-prints, among others. The order that your search results are listed in is determined by what Google considers to be the most relevant listing. Google's ordering may not necessarily be the most appropriate for your assignment.
NOTE: Google Scholar has limited capabilities to filter results by source type. In many cases it is your responsibility to differentiate among the documents represented in their search results.
Full text access
If full text is available, Google Scholar will link to either "AU Full Text, or a website where it is freely available. Any source that is not available in full text can be requested from Phillips Library via Tipasa ILL.
IMPORTANT: if you would like to read the full text of a document, and you cannot link to it in any way with Google Scholar, please contact a librarian via chat or email. Librarians may be able to find a different way to link to full text; or we can arrange to get a copy of the article through our Tipasa ILL service.
Here is a sample Google Scholar entry:
The citation tool, represented by quotation marks beneath each article, can create citations in various styles. Like any other citation tool, it is important to review the citation for errors before using it in your assignment.
Cited by
The "Cited by" feature shows you how many times this article was cited by other publications.
This is a good indicator for how useful this source has been for other people, and can be a way to find related articles.
But be aware that some article's methods or findings might be controversial, challenged, or refuted, and it can still have a high "cited by" number because people have debated it.
Related articles
Another way to find related articles, is to choose the "Related articles" link, you can unlock a new list of search results filled with similar titles. If you find an article that is relevant to your information need, you might be interested in looking at similar articles.
All [n] versions
Some articles may appear in various web sites or publishers, particularly if the research was published under an "open access" model. The alternate locations will appear under this link. Try searching for the article in one of the alternative versions if you can't get full text access in the original result.