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OER Quick Start Resources

Other Places to Search for OER

Search within these excellent collections of OER materials to find even more options. The best places to search may vary for your field. Please don't hesitate to ask a librarian for suggestions!


Essential OER Search Locations

OER Collections Associated with Individual Schools or Curated by an Organization

Tried multiple collections without success? Use a metafinder!

How to Find OER in the Library Catalog

image showing Spartan Search, the search box on the library home page

Screenshot shows filters in library search results. Text reads limit to available online, peer-reviewed journals, open access, and available in library.


Search in Spartan Search, the library catalog, to find thousands of open-access books and articles, some of which are OER.

Use the "open access" filter on the left side of your results to narrow to this type of material.  As a reminder, OA materials are freely available but usually do not allow retaining, redistributing, remixing, or revising as an OER would.