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SWK 8100 Research Methodology

Searching a database is different than typing your question into Google.

You need to be precise in your language and communicate using the language of the database.
You can learn to be an expert searcher with these strategies. 

Search Steps

Searching for information is a process.

1. Define your question or topic

2. Identify the type of information you need on that topic

Does it need to be peer-reviewed? From the last five years? Related to a certain field?

3. Brainstorm keywords and search terms

4. Decide where to search

Online? In Spartan Search? In a subject specific database?

5. Search and then adjust your search based on results

Look at abstracts to get a sense of whether a source will fit your needs without having to read the whole thing!

7. Save your finds by downloading a copy, saving the permalink, or emailing it to yourself